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 40 Over 40 for 2024
Suki Wessling



"You are as perfect as you'll ever be, so stop worrying about it. Perfection is way overrated. Work on being interesting instead."

AGE: 59

PROFESSION: Writer/Radio Host/Teacher

What is the best thing about being your age?

There's something about being past the age of reproductive ability that makes so many women more comfortable, and I'm no exception. When I was younger I wasn't that concerned about being attractive to men, so it surprised me how much difference it made to me once I was officially undesirable! So many women I know feel the same. It's such a great time to still be young enough to do [almost] everything I want to do, and at the same time feel this freedom from having to present myself in any particular way.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

I don't believe in perfect happiness. I'd be miserable if I achieved anything like that, because my happiness comes from striving to do meaningful things that both engage me intellectually and improve the world as much as I can.

What is your most treasured possession?

I love the small works of art that people in my life have given me. Their work is displayed in my home alongside "professional" art and is more meaningful to me.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

One that I haven't achieved yet! Always. I feel like that's the point of life—to always strive to do better than we did before. Maybe at some point I'll feel like I'm "done," but I can't imagine it now

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I'd say I'd like to be more decisive, to never regret decisions, but then... who would I be? Certainly not myself!

What is a trait you are most proud of?

I'm pretty much constitutionally unable to name something without looking at its flip side, so I'll say this: I love to help people. Not because I want praise or because I think it's the right thing (though I do), but because I feel right when I'm being helpful. It's just who I am. But the flip side of that is that I end up helping so much that I neglect other important aspects of life. I've been working on trying to balance the two, which is hard.

What is your greatest extravagance?

We went to great expense to save the life of an alley cat. But we adored her, and it was during the pandemic, and all ethical considerations about spending money to save the life of a kitten when there were so many other needy ones went out the window. We've never regretted it. She's a joy and a miracle.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Stop worrying about whether you're doing the right thing and just do what feels right with passion and conviction. Also, to my 17-year-old self: You're as perfect as you'll ever be so just get over it and get on with life!

What is your motto or favorite quote?

No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai

Words of wisdom to younger women

You are as perfect as you'll ever be, so stop worrying about it. Perfection is way overrated. Work on being interesting instead.


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